Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2010

It's time to get out of my igloo!

Pic up^ top^ near Schliersee, Alps, South Bavaria

It's time to slowly crawl out of my igloo that is melting away. Dont worry this is not global warming. It's called a season shift, and it occurs every year folks, how about that.

I dont think I've really went jogging or did any sports since mid October last year. Yeah maybe the occasional little pushups or the dips that I do on the couch. But finally the sun!!! If you've experienced winters than you know! I went out for a nice run up to the West Park, a park located in Munich's southwest. I could see the alps!!!!! point blank. Lovely view.....I never like the getting back "into it " phase

Let the training begin for Florida!

Dienstag, 23. Februar 2010

3 weeks till FLORIDA

Finished my Dental Technician apprenticeship. The 3.5 years I've spent In Germany are all over with and to say so happily it all starts after this point my friends. All is good but why is it that it takes months and months to have the Dental Technician Commitee tell you your exam scores. I'm still waiting....almost 3 months. Dont they fucking know that people need passing confirmations so they can find jobs!!! Ahhh I guess not , there's no pressure here.

Florida is upon the horizon. Wish it could be sooner though. But I still hafto wait until graduation is over with .

On these waiting months I've been preparing new "Fjords" material to hopefully show in la florida. I've got 5 new songs in the works. My singing tracks gotta wait since I lost
my voice doing Karaoke last Thursday.

After the Jump is a little video explaing the fjords if you've never heard of them

Dienstag, 31. März 2009

Samstag, 21. Februar 2009

Die Fjorden

I have a music project called Fjords that I've been making since i've moved to Germany. Take a listen when you get a chance. Be free to collaborate and be part of the streams. Enjoy....

Freitag, 20. Februar 2009

Februar ist wunderbar

So I took some pictures of the street I live on in Munich. Feb has been a snowy month. It's puffy white snow you can sleep in. It's also been slippery iced street shells. This blog goes out the girl I saw slide out in 2 circles and falling really bad , and getting up quickly as if nothing had happened. Hope she is okay.

On the other downer note:

 If you dont understand the financial crisis that is happening in the United States and around the globe. Check this video out, it's educational !!! 

Sonntag, 8. Februar 2009

I havent updated in a year!

I woke up this morning with snow rain coming down outside.  Making morning's even more pleasant. Reading headline german and american news and sipping on my espresso. Thankfull for living here. Makes me think of this Konzert Cafe I visited yesterday. I drank this dark beer (not coffee )and watched people conversate and listen to the beautiful classical piano music. The coffee place with an extensive history took you back into the classical ages of Beethoven. Thats a thing Europe can do to you. The concert coffee shop offers 2 musical artists each day mostly ranging from jazz to classical. Excitingly, they have an open session on sundays at 8 pm, each sunday. I'm contemplating of scouting the place out on a sunday with the company of my ukulele. The days are getting longer and the spring is lingering out somewhere waiting , waiting for me to finally play to the Munich public.

Samstag, 26. April 2008

The time goes quick!

While the work days make the weeks, months, years, faster, i'll try to stop time to enjoy mountains by hiking the weekends by. Spring is here and its time to chip the icecaps away.